Looking at the number of figures I managed to finish painting I was quite impressed, with some 188 Infantry and 46 Cavalry finished as well as some ACW ships. Although this did get some projects finished it did leave work for this year.
Some of my projects for 2010 fall ito the following areas.
With the release of the updated Blitzkreig Commander it's time to sort out my force. I.ve played the original version of the rules which provide an easy to play and enjoyable system. The guys I gamed with have forces for the Afrika Corps, 8th Army and US forces for the Desert War. Always looking at using an army nobody else does I said I would collect an Italian force. Considering how the fared it doesn't sound like a very good option. However winning with a force people expect to give a good kicking to is always a good thing. As for scale 10mm seems to be the prefered size which allows for largish forces at a reasonable cost.
Its been a while since I did any Napoleonic gaming but the release of several sets of rules has revived my interest. The first set is Lasalle by Sam Mustafa. The rules are very simple and straightforward in their approach. Your force isn't an army in the traditional sense. As Sam explains it your force is from a moment in a battle where youas Commander have drwn troops from various sources together to achieve your objective. The rulebook is well laid and comes complete with enought army lists to satisfy most people. Where an army is not included (such as my Bavarians) free downloadable lists for the minor nations will be made available from the Lasalle website.
While I have enough figures in 15mm to make a basic army I want to build a force in 28mm (I feel another Front Rank order coming on). As well as using Lasalle for Napoleonic another 2 sets of rules have been released which I would like to try.
The rules are designed to fight battles from 1701 to 1898 which gives quite a varied selection of conflicts from the War of Spanish Succession up to the Sudan.
Again the rules are well laid out and copiously illustrated with eye cany of superbly painted figures.
The last set of rules I would like to try is Barry Hiltons new set Republic to Empire. As with the other sets they are well laid out and yet again full of the pictures of beautifully painted figures for gamers to drool over. Trying compare each set of rules is difficult without playing them as each has its own methodology and ways of playing. One thing is sure however they will all find gamers ready and willing to play them.
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