Something a little different this week as far as completed paint jobs go. In a complete change of period its back to the American Civil War for a little riverine action. I bought the ships three years ago at the World Wargames show at Derby. The models themselves are 1/600th scale Peter Pig models. They are beautiful little models and the range has a myriad assortment of weird looking vessels. It appears that the concept of the time was take anything that floated and strap on any wood, steel plate and bales of cotton you just happened to have lying around. The ship shown at the top is the USS Monitor.
The picture above shows three examples of the kind of vessels the Union forces could use. They are from left to right the USS Cairo, USS Benton and the USS Essex.
The picture above shows the Confederate opposition. From left to right the CSS Arkansas, CSS Albemarle and CSS Tuscaloosa.
Painting the ships was probably one of the quickest paint jobs I,ve done. The wooden parts of the ships were painted with Khemri Brown washed over with Devlan Mud. The hulls and smokestacks were then painted black. I know the colour schemes aren't probably accurate but they suffice for my purposes. In a little over a day I managed to paint 13 ships more than enough to give both side a decent fleet. Anyway it,s back to Carthaginians next as I need to get my army finished before its first outing.