Thursday, 18 June 2009
Latest Carthaginians
Today see's the completion of another 18 figures from my lead mountain, bringing the running total up to 92 figures. The figures shown in the picture are 28mm Carthaginians from Crusader Miniatures Punic Wars range. They have been based for Field of Glory on a 60mm x 20mm base. Although the rules call for 4 figures to a base for heavy infantry I prefer to use only three figures. This is down to two reasons. The first is because of the figure size. I find it easier to fit 3 figures on a base rather than 4. The second reason is cost, it's cheaper buying 18 figures for a six base unit than having to buy 24.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Latest Completed Figures

Today sees the completion of another 11 figures, bringing the current total to 74. The figures come from Musketeer Miniatures Inter War Period range. They are members of the British Union of Fascist and are intended for use with A Very British Civil War. The three figures shown in the picture are a senior officer and two NCO's. One is carrying a Lewis gun, while the other carries a Bergmann smg. Musketeer only do a couple of packs of the Fascists (the remainder being generic riflemen and a standard bearer) they also do several workers and civilian militia types who can bulk up the numbers. Their regular army range can also be used as either allies or enemies of Moseley's blackshirted minions.
As I mentioned the Fascists are intended for use with A Very British Civil War. This isn't a rules set, rather it's a sourcebook published by Solway Crafts and Miniatures. It's basic premise is that in 1936 King Edward VIII refused to abdicate over his relationship with the American divorcee Wallace Simpson. This leads to a constitutional crisis which results in Edward asking Sir Oswald Moseley leader of the British Union of Fascists to form a goverment. Once this happens there's a major split in the country with towns and cities declaring loyalty or opposition o the King. As well as this you have Scotland declaring itself a Republic. The sourcebook itself provides a lot of good background information which will allow you to create your own loyalist or rebel forces, the only limit being your imagination. For anyone looking for a change from the run of the mill World War II games this provides a a superb alternative.