This is my fist tentative step into the world of blogging. Thanks must go to Bryan Scott for getting me into this. As he said if he could do it then any one can do it. Having seen his blog I have been tempted to have a go.
My main hobby is Wargaming, I want my blog to record all aspects of it. At present like most wargamers I have the ubiqitous 'Lead Mountain' of unpainted figures. I now think the time has come to knuckle down and get these figures painted. At present they fall into the following catagories.
1. 28mm Marlburian Bavarian Army for Beneath the Lily Banners.
2. 28mm Carthaginian Army for Field of Glory.
3. 28mm World War II German Infantry for Rules of Engagement.
4. 28mm British Infantry for Secrets of the Third Reich.